Video begins with image of a pregnant patient and physician with DHHS, CDC, and Hear Her logos at bottom. The title fades in, "The Role of Emergency Medicine Specialists." Screen fades to show Dr. Jenna White, Emergency and EMS Physician, who begins speaking. "Each clinician has a role to play in addressing the U.S. maternal health crisis. Patient care is a chain and every link in that chain, every person's participation represents an opportunity, and really a duty, to recognize patients who are at risk for experiencing the complications of pregnancy. I think that is especially true for EMS providers who are intercepting patients in the field, and also for our triage staff in the emergency department. These two populations are the absolute leading edge of the front line, the very first healthcare providers that patients in need of help interact with. And the decisions that those two groups of providers make, and whether they can recognize and identify a potentially critically ill patient, can shape and influence so much of the rest of that patient's care down stream. And so specifically equipping ED triage nurses and EMS personnel with the training and the tools to quickly recognize and identify these patients, I think is incredibly important." Screen fades to show Hear Her logo with text, "For more information, visit" Video ends.