See answers to common questions about the CDC Injury Center grant application process, forms, extramural research, and general funding are answered below.
Application process and requirements
What form do I use to submit my application?
CDC uses the SF424 and has adopted the SF424 (R&R) Application Guide located on the NIH website.
Where do I find additional information on the SF424 and the application process?
Should I have all my Institutional Review Board assurances to submit my application?
You do not need IRB approval when you submit your application. However, if you receive an award, a portion of your funds will be restricted until all of your IRB assurances are in place.
Who will review my application?
- Your application will be evaluated first for eligibility and responsiveness by the Office of Grants Services and the Injury Center Extramural Research Program Operations, respectively.
- If accepted, your application will move to scientific and technical merit by an external peer review panel convened by the Injury Center.
- Applications judged to have technical and scientific merit then undergo a secondary review for programmatic relevance to Injury Center priorities and other considerations. The secondary review will be conducted by the Board of Scientific Counselors or a Senior Advisory Panel in accordance with CDC Peer Review Policy.
- The Injury Center Director will make final funding decisions based on the results of the primary review, the relevance and balance of proposed research relative to Injury Center programs and priorities, and the avoidance of unwarranted duplication of federally funded research.
Research Funding Opportunities
Extramural Research FAQs
I'm not sure whether to apply for a grant or cooperative agreement. How do they differ?
The main difference between a grant and cooperative agreement is the level of the Injury Center’s involvement. For a grant, the Injury Center is not substantially involved in the execution of the research. For a cooperative agreement, the Injury Center may have substantial involvement. The amount of Injury Center involvement in a cooperative agreement will be specified in the program announcement.
Can I submit more than one application for the same program announcement?
You are encouraged to submit only one application in response to a particular program announcement. With few exceptions (for example, research issues needing immediate public health attention), only one application per principal investigator will be funded per program announcement.
Can I apply to more than one program announcement?
Yes. There are no restrictions on the number of program announcements to which a principal investigator can apply.
I have other funding for part of our project/research and want to apply for Injury Center funding to extend our work. Is this okay?
Yes, you can apply for the Injury Center to fund research that is partially funded by another source. However, the proposed research needs to be different than that which is already funded. The Injury Center will not pay for duplicate research.
My application from last year was not funded; can I resubmit it this year?
Yes, you can resubmit your application provided the proposed research meets the research objectives of a new program announcement. The research objectives of the program announcements change from year to year, so it is important that your application meets the current objectives. A resubmitted application will not receive any special treatment. It is possible to improve your chances of success if you consider the weaknesses and limitations addressed in your summary statement from your peer reviewed application.
How do I find out what type of research the Injury Center is looking to fund?
Visit Injury Center priorities to learn more.
- Grants.gov
- CDC Grants Life Cycle Overview
- Department of Health and Human Services Grants
- Injury Center Research Priorities (pdf)
- NCIPC Data Management Plan Template
- NCEH/ATSDR Data Management Plan Template
For questions, please contact [email protected].