2019 NHIS Questionnaires, Datasets, and Documentation

At a glance

  • Find survey methods, questionnaires, and other resources used to collect 2019 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data.
  • Access important technical information to help you understand, use, and analyze 2019 NHIS data.


Resources on this page provide information about the 2019 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data collection, its participants, and its protocols, as well as analytic notes and references. They will help you understand, analyze, and use the 2019 NHIS data.

Using our data

Restricted data

Researchers can access restricted NHIS data through the National Center for Health Statistics Research Data Center.

More detailed documentation, such as variable values and questionnaire information, for 1997 to 2018 are available by request. If you are interested in receiving the documentation, please contact [email protected].

Questionnaires and survey materials

Parent-child pair data

Earlier NHIS data

Get older NHIS data documentation from the CDC Archive.