Key points
- Message mapping guides (MMGs) are used to implement NNDSS Health Level 7 (HL7®) case notifications.
- To begin onboarding an MMG, public health jurisdictions must complete the pre-onboarding preparation phase.
- Learn the answers to frequently asked questions about MMG onboarding to guide your jurisdiction through implementation.
A: To begin onboarding an MMG, jurisdictions must complete the pre-onboarding preparation phase. Get an overview of the implementation process for HL7 Case Notifications and learn how to start pre-onboarding.
A: These documents provide CDC with key information on what a jurisdiction will be sending in their HL7 messages, which is essential for the onboarding process.
A: The speed of onboarding varies depending on available resources, volume of messages, and issues identified during the onboarding process. The Onboarding Specialist works with partners to establish a customized onboarding timeline for each MMG and jurisdictions.
A: No, because arboviral v1.3 messages are processed in a system that does not provide information to the MVPS Dashboard, SAMS access is not required. Please review the Implementing Arboviral Case Notifications webpage for additional details about the arboviral MMG.
A: Yes, to streamline the transition to sending the new HL7 case notification messages, all applicable conditions for an MMG should be onboarded at one time.
A: Level 2 SAMS access is required for the MVPS Dashboard. If you are unsure of your current SAMS level access or would like to request level 2 access, please email [email protected] with the Subject: "MVPS Portal Access".
A: CDC reviews the year-to-date transmission for errors, warnings, and other potential systematic issues. CDC also will ensure that all case notifications are received within MVPS.
A: Onboarding is different with MVPS in the following ways:
- Jurisdictions have one uniform email to contact CDC about MVPS onboarding: [email protected].
- Jurisdictions validate test messages by using the Message Evaluation and Testing Service (METS).
- Jurisdictions send test messages directly to MVPS.
Technical assistance is available to support jurisdictions' pre-onboarding efforts.
A: To assist CDC in making timelier public health decisions, jurisdictions are requested to send as near to real-time as they are able. CDC's current recommendation is for daily transmission of case notification messages to CDC.
A: Public health jurisdictions who have onboarded for an NNDSS HL7 MMG and would like to onboard additional conditions for that MMG should follow this process:
- Jurisdiction sends email to the CDC Electronic Data Exchange email inbox at [email protected] with the subject "[Jurisdiction name]: [MMG name] – Additional Conditions" with event code(s) and condition name(s) to be onboarded.
- CDC onboarding team updates a jurisdiction's existing information to include the new condition(s).
- Jurisdiction transmits all existing cases of the newly added conditions for the current non-reconciled year(s).
- CDC onboarding team sends an approval email to the jurisdiction.
- Jurisdiction starts routine transmission of the new condition(s).