PHEP Connects Webinars

At a glance

DSLR hosts monthly, hourlong, live webinars. The webinars serve to educate and provide information and guidance, expert advice, resources, and technical assistance to state, local, tribal and territorial (SLTT) public health officials.

PHEP Connects Webinars

PHEP Connects Webinar Participant Information


CDC's next PHEP Connects webinar, "Unlocking the Power of AI in Public Health Preparedness: Practical Applications and Future Opportunities," is at 1 p.m. EST on Wednesday, January 8, 2025.

During this 60-minute session, David Dickerson from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, will discuss how artificial intelligence (AI) is transforming public health in an era of rapid technological advancement.

Dial-In: (669) 254-5252 (Audio only)
Meeting ID: 161 241 1865
Passcode: 569595
Web Link: