Appendix I—Examples of Documentation Procedures

What to know

Please note, some of the examples in the Appendices may be outdated and may have changed. Those changes may not be reflected in this document.

Example #1 of using MAVEN: Courtesy of Massachusetts

Documentation Requirements for STI IPN

  • The IPN Coordinator will document all IPN activity in MAVEN.
  • After the internet partner contacts the FE, the FE will document all interactions in MAVEN.

Entering internet screen names into MAVEN

This section of the policy seeks to address sexual contacts of infected individuals who are known to the infected patient by their screen names only. The approach is based on how much information is available about a partner and serves as a systematic way to maintain accurate records of not just names, addresses, and phone numbers, but also screen names. In this way, we can perform searches for individuals by their screen names when no other information is available.

  • Individuals who are only known by their screen name are entered into MAVEN as: Internet, screen name (e.g., Internet, Sexyperson). Their screen name must also be entered into the Alias field on the Persons tab. Both the first and last names should be updated when more information becomes available.
  • Screen names are entered into the Alias field on the Persons tab. Aliases should never be changed or deleted. New screen names must be added as needed. If the individual is not currently in the MAVEN system, we can add them and open a new event. Err on the side of MORE information in the Alias field.

The following should be entered for the screen name Sexyperson:

  • Last Name: Internet
  • First Name: Sexyperson (unless first name is known, then use first name)
  • Alias: Sexyperson, Sexyperson@manhunt
  • Screen names pertain to specific internet sites and apps. These sites/apps (Manhunt, Adam4Adam) must be noted in the Notes section of the event. Individuals may change their screen names frequently, so it is essential that the date of the last known use of the screen name be noted in the Notes section (e.g., MH "Sexyperson" 4/19/15, Adam4Adam "SexyP" 4/19/16).
  • The way we currently manage missing location information remains the same. For example, if we know a client's first name and address, this individual is entered into the system as "John UNK." Now, with this new system for entering names into MAVEN, sexual contacts will be entered into the system as "Internet, screen name," or, if we know the client's first name, "Internet, John."

Disposition Code Guidance

  • Case dispositions should be entered into MAVEN:
  • Description
  • Preventive treatment
  • Refused preventive treatment
  • Infected, brought to treatment
  • Infected, not treated
  • Previously treated for this infection
  • Not infected
  • Informed of disease exposure—no further contact with MDPH (located, received disease-specific exposure info, no further contact with MDPH). This includes partners who say they will get tested/treated but FE cannot verify test/treatment.
  • Not enough information (screen name is incorrect/not working)
  • Email(s) not read (unable to locate)

Example #2: Courtesy of Washington DC

Within 72 hours of the Original Interview, the investigating (Ix) DIS will record in the OP's STD*MIS file that the OP had a "PARTNERS INTERNET" risk factor. Internet partners are recorded as contacts of the OP; if a partner is not listed in STD*MIS (after a search using the FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, and AKA fields), a patient record is created for him/her. The Ix DIS should then complete a Field Record for the partner with all information pertaining to the internet partner (including physical descriptions, identical spelling of email addresses, sex venues, etc.). The Ix DIS will then assign this partner to the IPS Coordinator (writing the IPS Coordinator's Worker Number STD*MIS number in the Field Record).

For data entry, Ix DIS should follow this format:

Individuals who are only known by their screen name (internal emails) or email address (external emails) are entered into STD*MIS as FIRST NAME: "<>", LAST NAME: "INTERNET." Both the first and last names should be updated when more information becomes available. The screen names will be entered followed by the website. Note: For long screen names or email addresses, simply enter as much of the name as will fit into the space (20 characters).

Examples for Internal Emails:

Examples for Internal Emails
Website Screen name STD*MIS Entry SWEATYnDC [email protected] SWEATYnDC [email protected] HOTnSWEATYnDC [email protected] HOTnSWEATYnDC [email protected]

Examples for External Emails:

Examples for Internal Emails
Website Screen name STD*MIS Entry SWEATYnDC [email protected] SWEATYnDC [email protected] HOTnSWEATYnDC [email protected] HOTnSWEATYnDC [email protected]

In addition, screen names and email addresses are entered into the AKA section. AKAs should never be changed or deleted. New screen names must be added to the AKA section as needed. (It is important to note that you can search for individuals in STD*MIS by their AKA only—no other information about first or last names is needed to perform a search.) If the name of the internet partner becomes known at a later date, it is important that the screen name is moved to the AKA section because it will allow for the individual to be searched in the future under his/her screen name.

Individuals may change their screen names frequently, so it is essential that the date of the last known use of the screen name be noted in the Notes section (e.g., "SWEATYnDC@MANHUNT 4/19/06").

The way we currently manage missing location information remains the same. For example, if we know a client's first name and address, this individual is entered into the system as "JOHN UNK." Now, with this new system for entering names into STD*MIS, sexual contacts will be entered into the system as "<> INTERNET" (or "<> INTERNET") or, if we know the client's first name, "<> INTERNET."

For data entry, IPS DIS should follow this format:

Within the Field Record, under "EVENTS", the IPS DIS shall choose the last option: "INTERNET PARTNER NOTIFICATION." In the "INTERNET PARTNER NOTIFICATION" screen, there are a series of Y/N fields. The first field, "IPS," indicates whether the individual is an internet partner. The remaining 13 fields, "IPS_L1a through IPS_L4," allow for further explication of the "L" disposition that is designated for an internet partner (see Dispositions below).

Case dispositions should be entered into STD*MIS with the following codes (STD*MIS does not allow numbers to be entered after letter codes; this can be noted in the case file):

Data Entry
Code Description
A Preventative treatment
B Refused preventive treatment
C Infected, brought to treatment
D Infected, not treated
E Previously treated for this infection
F Not infected
G Insufficient information to begin investigation
H Unable to locate
J Located, refused examination
K Out of Jurisdiction
L Other *
L1 Informed of specific STD exposure (2nd e-mail, phone call, in-person communication)
a Informed of specific STD exposure, claims preventive treatment
b Informed of specific STD exposure, refuses preventive treatment
c Informed of specific STD exposure, claims to be infected and treated
d Informed of specific STD exposure, claims to be infected and not treated
e Informed of specific STD exposure, claims to be previously treated
f Informed of specific STD exposure, claims to not be infected
g Informed of specific STD exposure, no further contact
L2 Informed of an STD exposure (first e-mail)
L3 Not informed of STD exposure
Refused—E-mails not read even though patient logs in
Refused—Patient blocks IPS screen name
Not known if e-mails are read
Unable to locate (Patient has not logged in during Field Investigation period.)
L4 Insufficient information to begin investigation (Screen name does not exist.)

* The L disposition will be used for internet disposition codes, provided the internet partner does not have any physical location information (i.e., name and/or address). If physical location information is acquired at any point throughout IPS, traditional disposition codes (A-K) shall be used.