CDC DentalCheck Mobile App

What to know

Dental health care staff can use CDC DentalCheck to periodically assess infection prevention practices in their facility. The DentalCheck app helps dental health care professionals ensure they are meeting the minimum expectations for safe care.

The DentalCheck logo: a tooth with a check on the right side and the CDC logo on the bottom left.

Key features

A female health care professional using a tablet.
CDC DentalCheck is available on mobile devices.

CDC DentalCheck is an easy to use, streamlined version of the Infection Prevention Checklist for Dental Settings (fillable form) available for mobile devices. The app allows users to select Yes or No to a checklist of questions about adherence to administrative policies or practices. The app also allows the user to add notes for follow-up. These inspection reports can then be emailed, exported, or printed for your records.

The app also provides access to basic infection prevention and control principles, background information, and key CDC recommendations for each of the topic areas. The app's resources section includes links to full guidelines and source documents so users can access detailed background materials and recommendations.

The infection prevention coordinator and other staff trained in infection prevention are encouraged to use this app at least annually. They can assess the status of their administrative policies and practices, and directly observe staff and patient-care practices.

About the app

Download the free app for iOSTM & AndroidTM devices.

The Spanish version of CDC DentalCheck appears if your device's operating system default language is set to Spanish.

Technical Support

For questions and comments, contact us at [email protected].