Viral Hepatitis Outbreak Investigations

At a glance

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C outbreaks can occur in the community through person-to-person transmission and in health care settings. Hepatitis A outbreaks can occur from different sources and spread through either foodborne or person-to-person transmission. Learn more about resources available for investigation, summaries of outbreaks that have been investigated, and support available from CDC.

Group of healthcare professionals seated around a table discussing hepatitis outbreaks

Hepatitis B and hepatitis C

Hepatitis A

Hepatitis A transmission can occur through close personal contact with a person who is infected with the virus. Most recently, this has occurred among people who use drugs, people experiencing homelessness, and men who have sex with men.

Person-to-person transmission

Foodborne transmission

Support from CDC

CDC is always available for support and consultation.

Laboratory support

DVH laboratory branch performs routine serologic and state-of-the-art molecular methodologies on clinical samples collected from those affected. 

Investigation support

A DVH epidemiologist coordinates all outbreak investigation-related activities.

Contact CDC‎

CDC staff members are always available for consultation. Email CDC staff at [email protected].