IIS Training Resources

At a glance

CDC supports training for Immunization Information System (IIS) through a number of outlets and national partners.

Clinical Decision Support for Immunizations (CDSi)


Immunization clinical decision support (CDS), more commonly referred to as evaluation and forecasting, is an automated process that determines the recommended immunizations needed for a patient and delivers these recommendations to the healthcare provider.

Learn about key concepts of the CDSi Logic Specification, Supporting Data, and Testing Methodology.

IIS Leadership Workshop


CDC offers a three day onsite leadership workshop for IIS Leadership, who must balance a growing list of responsibilities and priorities. This is an invitation only event. Topics in the workshop include:

  • Provider and User Relationships
  • Laws, Policies and Guidelines
  • CDC Relationships
  • Data Use
  • Data Quality
  • Leading, Learning and Influencing


The primary audiences for this workshop are:

  • IIS leaders and immunization program managers

Course and Materials

IIS managers and immunization program managers interested in learning more about the course should contact [email protected].

Produced By

CDC’s National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases in partnership with the Public Health Informatics Institute.

Two-Dimensional (2D) Vaccine Barcoding


Since 2010, CDC and its immunization partners have been exploring the potential of 2D barcoding to streamline immunization practices and enhance data quality.

Provider’s interested in learning about key concepts of the 2D barcoding, see the training resources for providers.