MMWR Weekly: Past Volume (1987)
January 8, 1988 / Vol. 36 / Nos. 51&52
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Screening for Cervical and Breast Cancer -- Southeastern Kentucky
- Current Trends Update: Serologic Testing for Antibody to Human Immunodeficiency Virus
January 1, 1988 / Vol. 36 / No. 50
- Epidemiology Notes and Reports Tuberculosis, Final Data -- United States, 1986
- Influenza Update -- United States
- Notice to Readers Revision of HIV Classification Codes
- Notice to Readers Haemophilus influenzae Type b Vaccine
- Notice to Readers Third National Environmental Health Conference
December 18, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 49
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Adult T-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Associated With Human T-Lymphotropic Virus Type I (HTLV-I) Infection -- North Carolina
- International Outbreak of Type E Botulism Associated With Ungutted, Salted Whitefish
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Premature Mortality Due to Unintentional Injuries -- United States, 1984
- Notice to Readers Holiday Publication Schedule
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in the United States
December 11, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 48
- Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee Poliomyelitis Prevention: Enhanced-Potency Inactivated Poliomyelitis Vaccine -- Supplementary Statement
- Tuberculosis and Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome -- New York City
December 4, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 47
- Current Trends Update: Aedes albopictus Infestation -- United States
- Subtype of Influenza A Isolates -- United States
- Topics in Minority Health Injuries in an Indian Community -- Cherokee, North Carolina
November 27, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 46
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Outbreak of a Distinct Strain of Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae -- King County, Washington
- International Notes Human Rabies Despite Treatment With Rabies Immune Globulin and Human Diploid Cell Rabies Vaccine -- Thailand
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Premature Mortality in New Hampshire
November 20, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 45
- Diabetes in Pregnancy Project -- Maine, 1986-1987
- Hepatitis B in an Extended Family -- Alabama
- Influenza A Isolates -- United States, 1987
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Regional Variation in Smoking Prevalence and Cessation: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance, 1986
November 13, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 44
- Occupational Electrocution -- Texas, 1981-1985
- Lack of Transmission of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Through Rho(D) Immune Globulin (Human)
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Substance Abuse Prevention Program -- Albuquerque, New Mexico
- Current Trends Premature Mortality due to Breast Cancer-- United States, 1984
November 6, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 43
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Outbreak of Viral Gastroenteritis -- Pennsylvania and Delaware
- Update on Influenza Activity -- Worldwide
- Current Trends Use of Workers' Compensations Claims for Surveillance of Work-Related Illness -- New Hampshire, January 1986- March 1987
- Status of the 1990 Objectives on Misuse of Alcohol and Drugs
October 30, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 42
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Smoking- Attributable Mortality and Years of Potential Life Lost -- United States, 1984
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Outbreak of Influenza-Like Illness in a Tour Group -- Alaska
- Topics in Minority Health Regional Differences in Postneonatal Mortality -- Mississippi, 1980-1983
October 23, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 41
- Current Trends Summary of the Second National Community Forum on Adult Immunization
- Reye Syndrome Surveillance -- United States, 1986
- Guidelines for Prevention of Herpesvirus Simiae (B Virus) Infection in Monkey Handlers
October 16, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 40
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Community-Based Exercise Intervention -- The Zuni Diabetes Project
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Rubella and Congenital Rubella -- United States, 1984-1986 Rubella
October 9, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 39
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Regional Distribution of Deaths From Residential Fires -- United States, 1978- 1984
- Current Trends Impact of the 1985 CDC Lead Statement -- Savannah, Georgia
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Western Equine Encephalitis -- United States and Canada, 1987
October 2, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 38
- Nationwide Dissemination of Multiply Resistant Shigella sonnei Following a Common-Source Outbreak
- Current Trends Homicide Surveillance: High-Risk Racial and Ethnic Groups -- Blacks and Hispanics, 1970 to 1983
- Occupant Restraint Usage in Fatal Crashes -- Fatal Accident Reporting System, 1975-1986
September 25, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 37
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Allegheny County 1986-87 Influenza Vaccination Program -- Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Progress Toward Achieving the 1990 Objectives in Occupational Safety and Health
- Current Trends Withdrawal of Approval for Subcutaneous Administration of Norden Rabies Vaccines for Dogs and Cats
September 18, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 36
- Performance Evaluation Program: Testing for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection
- Notice to Readers Regional Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiology Association, the International Clinical Epidemiology Network, and the Asia Region Field Epidemiology Training Programs -- January 24-29, 1988, Pattaya, Thailand
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Enterically Transmitted Non- A, Non-B Hepatitis -- Mexico
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Fatalities Resulting From Sulfuryl Fluoride Exposure After Home Fumigation -- Virginia
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Ethylene Glycol Intoxication Due to Contamination of Water Systems
September 11, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 35
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Cigarette Smoking in the United States, 1986
- Sentinel Surveillance System for Antimicrobial Resistance in Clinical Isolates of Neisseria gonorrhoeae
- HIV Infection and Pregnancies in Sexual Partners of HIV- Seropositive Hemophilic Men -- United States
September 4, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 34
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Survey of Chronic Disease Activities in State and Territorial Health Agencies
- Topics in Minority Health Tuberculosis Among Hispanics -- United States, 1985
- Enterovirus Surveillance -- United States, 1987
- Community Oral Health Surveillance -- Columbus, Ohio
August 28, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 33
- Current Trends Pregnant Adolescent Group for Education and Support -- Illinois
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Imported and Indigenous Dengue Fever -- United States, 1986
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion San Jose Nutrition Education Project -- California
- Cryptosporidiosis -- New Mexico, 1986
- Meningococcal Disease Among Travelers Returning From Saudi Arabia
August 21, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 32
- Current Trends FDA Workshop on Haemophilus b Polysaccharide Vaccine -- A Preliminary Report
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Premature Mortality Due to Suicide and Homicide -- United States, 1984
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Multiple Strain Outbreak of Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae -- Denver, Colorado, 1986
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Carbon Monoxide Poisoning in a Garment-Manufacturing Plant -- North Carolina
- Notices to Readers Publication of Recommendations for Prevention of HIV Transmission in Health-Care Settings
- Notice to Readers Call for Abstracts: XIII World Conference on Health Education, August 28-September 2, 1988, Houston, Texas
August 14, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 31
- Update: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome -- United States
- Notice to Readers Publication of Revised Case Definition for AIDS Surveillance
- Notice to Readers Regional Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiology Association, the International Clinical Epidemiology Network, and the Asia Region Field Epidemiology Training Programs -- January 24-29, 1988, Pattaya, Thailand
- Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee Update: Prevention of Haemophilus influenzae Type b Disease
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Public Health Service Guidelines for Counseling and Antibody Testing to Prevent HIV Infection and AIDS
- Polymer-Fume Fever Associated with Cigarette Smoking and the Use of Tetrafluoroethylene -- Mississippi
August 7, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 30
- Tuberculosis Among American Indians and Alaskan Natives -- United States, 1985
- Mumps Outbreaks on University Campuses -- Illinois, Wisconsin, South Dakota
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Reduction of Children's Arsenic Exposure Following Relocation -- Mill Creek, Montana
July 31, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 29
- Tetanus -- United States, 1985-1986
- Thallium Poisoning: An Epidemic of False Positives -- Georgetown, Guyana
- Tertiary Syphilis Deaths -- South Florida
July 24, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 28
- Rubella Vaccination During Pregnancy -- United States, 1971-1986
- Serum Dioxin* in Vietnam-Era Veterans -- Preliminary Report
- Traumatic Occupational Fatalities -- United States, 1980-1984
July 17, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 27
- Use of Seat Belts -- DeKalb County, Georgia, 1986
- Underreporting of Alcohol-Related Mortality on Death Certificates of Young U.S. Army Veterans
- Multistate Outbreak of Shigella sonnei Gastroenteritis -- United States
- Shigellosis -- North Carolina
- Arboviral Infections of the Central Nervous System -- United States, 1986
July 10, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 26
- Progess in Chronic Disease Prevention Protective Effect of Physical Activity on Coronary Heart Disease
- Notices to Readers Second National Conference on Chronic Disease Prevention and Control
- Notice to Readers Call for Abstracts: XIII World Conference on Health Education, August 28-September 2, 1988, Houston, Texas
- Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee Measles Prevention
July 3, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 25
- Current Trends Increases in Primary and Secondary Syphilis - - United States
- Acanthamoeba Keratitis in Soft-Contact-Lens Wearers
- Topics in Minority Health Cigarette Smoking Among Blacks and Other Minority Populations
June 26, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 24
- Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee Prevention and Control of Influenza
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Preliminary Report: Paralytic Poliomyeltitis -- Senegal, 1986
- Notice to Readers NCHS National Center for Health Statistics Joins CDC
June 19, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 23
- Recommendations of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee Update on Hepatitis B Prevention
- Nutritional Status of Minority Children - United States, 1986
- Premature Mortality Due to Congenital Anomalies - United States, 1984
- Self-Study Training offered by CDC
June 12, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 22
- Smokeless Tobacco Use in the United States - Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1986
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Investigation of a Cluster of Appendicitis Cases - Texas
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Indian Health Service Facilities Become Smoke-Free
June 5, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 21
- Current Trends Recreational Boating Fatalities Ohio, 1983-86
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Update: Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in a Patient Receiving a Cadaveric Dura Mater Graft
- Current Trends Potential Increase Demand for Lead Testing As a Result of Recent HUD Regulations
- Topics in Minority Health Tuberculosis Among Asians/Pacific Islanders - United States, 1985
May 29, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 20
- Measles - United States, 1986
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Transmitted From on Organ Donor Screened for HIV Antibody - North Carolina
- Current Trends Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - United States, 1986
- Premature Mortality Due to Cerebrovascular Disease - United States, 1983
May 22, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 19
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Update: Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infections in Health-Care Workers Exposed to Blood of Infected Patients
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports B-Virus Infection in Humans -- Pensacola, Florida
- Deaths Among the Homeless -- Atlanta, Georgia
May 15, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 18
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Trends in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection Among Civilian Applicants for Military Service -- United States, October 1985-December 1986
- Recommendation of the Immunization Practices Advisory Committee Pertussis Immunization; Family History of Convulsions and Use of Antipyretics -- Supplementary ACIP Statement
- Current Trends Organic Solvents in the Workplace
May 8, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 17
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Treatment and Perceived Blood Pressure Control Among Self-Reported Hypertensives -- Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, 1986
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Mortality Due to Conditions Preventable by Medical Intervention -- New Hampshire, 1970-1985
- Bicycle-Related Injuries: Data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Tuberculosis Control Among Homeless Populations
May 1, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 16
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Enterically Transmitted Non-A, Non-B Hepatitis -- East Africa
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Acute Hemorrhagic Conjunctivitis Caused by Coxsackievirus A24 -- Caribbean
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance -- Selected States, 1986
- Current Trends Tuberculosis Provisional Data -- United States, 1986
April 24, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 15
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Premature Mortality Due to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome -- United States, 1980-1986
- Current Trends Classification System for Human Immunodeficiency Viru (HIV) Infection in Children Under 13 Years of Age
April 17, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 14
- Current Trends Immunization Practices in Colleges -- United States
- Topics in Minority Health Tuberculosis in Blacks -- United States
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Early Syphilis -- Broward County, Florida
April 10, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 13
- Current Trends Update on Influenza Activity Worldwide and World Health Organization and United States Recommendations for Influenza Vaccine Composition for the 1987-1988 Season
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Sex-, Age-, and Region-Specific Prevalence of Sedentary Lifestyle in Selected States in 1985 -- The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Update: Salmonella enteritidis Infections in the Northeastern United States
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention The Prevalence of Cancer -- Connecticut, January 1, 1982
April 3, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 12
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Progress Toward Achieving the National 1990 Objectives for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Survey of Worksite Smoking Policies -- New York City
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Years of Potential Life Lost Before Age 65 Due to Perinatal Conditions -- United States, 1980-1983
- Current Trends Self-Reported Changes in Sexual Behaviors Among Homosexual and Bisexual Men from the San Francisco City Clinic Cohort
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Symptoms of Irritation Associated with Exposure to Glutaraldehyde -- Colorado
March 27, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 11
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Antibody to Human Immunodeficiency Virus in Female Prostitutes
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Disseminated Gonorrhea Caused by Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae -- Wisconsin, Pennsylvania
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Pertussis Surveillance -- United States, 1984 and 1985
March 20, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 10
- Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection in Transfusion Recipients and Their Family Members
- Smokeless Tobacco Use in Rural Alaska
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Advancements in Meeting the 1990 Hypertension Objectives
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Mumps -- United States, 1985-1986
March 13, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 09
- International Notes Survey of Non-U.S. Hemophilia Treatment Centers for HIV Seroconversions Following Therapy With Heat-Treated
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Unintentional Ingestions of Prescription Drugs in Children Under Five Years Old
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Outbreak of Hepatitis B Associated with an Oral Surgeon -- New Hampshire
- Tuberculosis and AIDS -- Connecticut
March 6, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 08
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Introduction
- Progress in Chronic Disease Prevention Demonstration to Improve Care Practices for Diabetic Patients in Primary Care Centers -- Florida
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Penicillinase-Producing Neisseria gonorrhoeae -- United States, 1986
- Acute Rheumatic Fever -- Utah
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Update: Influenza Activity - - United States
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Prevention Policy Review Group Summary of Meeting -- March 27, 1986
February 27, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 07
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Guidelines for Diabetic Eye Disease Control -- Kentucky
- An Imported Case of Rabies in an Immunized Dog
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Outbreak of Occupational Hepatitis -- Connecticut
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Restaurant-Associated Botulism from Mushrooms Bottled In-House -- Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
February 20, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 06
- Topics in Minority Health Tuberculosis in Minorities -- United States
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Use of Supplements Containing High-Dose Vitamin A -- New York State, 1983-1984
- Surveillance Summary Youth Suicide -- United States, 1970- 1980
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports PCB Contamination of Ceiling Tiles in Public Buildings -- New Jersey
February 13, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 05
- Current Trends Postservice Mortality Among Vietnam Veterans
- Toxic Shock Syndrome Following Influenza -- Oregon; Update on Influenza Activity -- United States
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Sex- and Age-Specific Prevalence of Heavier Drinking in Selected States in 1985 -- The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveys
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Salmonellosis in a School System -- Oklahoma
February 6, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 04
- Measles -- Dade County, Florida
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Rapidly Progressive Dementia in a Patient Who Received a Cadaveric Dura Mater Graft
- Perspectives in Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Changes in Premature Mortality -- United States, 1984-1985
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Influenza A(H1N1) Associated With Mild Illness in a Nursing Home -- Maine
- Notice to Readers Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry to Hold Meeting on National Registry Proposal
January 30, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 03
- Premature Mortality in West Virginia, 1978-1982
- Topics in Minority Health Childbearing Patterns Among Puerto Rican Hispanics in New York City and Puerto Rico
- Surveillance Summary Viral Hepatitis -- 1984
January 23, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 02
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Chloroquine-Resistant Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in West Africa
- Trichinosis -- Hawaii
- Update: Influenza Activity -- United States
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Occupational Asthma from Inhaled Egg Protein -- Iowa
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Measles Transmitted in a Medical Office Building -- New Mexico, 1986
January 16, 1987 / Vol. 36 / No. 01
- Topics in Minority Health Introduction
- Infant Mortality Among Black Americans
- Epidemiologic Notes and Reports Increasing Rate of Salmonella Enteritidis Infections in the Northeastern United States
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