29th Biannual CDC/ATSDR Tribal Advisory Committee Meeting


Tribal Advisory Committee (TAC) meetings exchange information, provide guidance, and ensure that CDC/ATSDR activities impacting tribes are appropriately addressed. TAC meetings create space for members to share information so that tribal concerns are heard.

Feb 26-27, 2025

9:00 AM - 5:00 PM ET each day

29th Biannual CDC/ATSDR Tribal Advisory Committee Meeting
Atlanta GA,


The TAC meeting is open to the public, although public participation is restricted. Non-TAC member participants are not allowed to speak or comment during the meeting. Virtual attendees will be informed to refrain from using the chat feature for any discussion other than technical issues. TAC members may allow alternates, technical advisors, or guests to speak on their behalf.

29th CDC/ATSDR Biannual Tribal Advisory Council Meeting Save the Date
29th CDC/ATSDR Biannual Tribal Advisory Committee Meeting | February 26-27, 2025

Virtual Registration‎

Please note that seating is limited. If the in-person option is no longer available, we welcome you to register for the virtual option.

In-Person Registration

* Required field

Please enter your email address.

If not applicable, write "n/a"

Why it's important

The TAC meeting operates under a Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) exemption. You can find details on the FACA exemption at https://www.cdc.gov/tribal/documents/tac/HHS-UMRA-FACA-EXEMPT-GROUP-FAQs-508.pdf.

Feel free to reach out with any additional questions at [email protected]